крепежи и крепления

Крепежи и крепления: надежная фурнитура


Крепежи и крепления: надежная фурнитура

крепежи и крепления

Both economic and industrial growth are associated with giving importance to hardware accessories that provide stability and security in assemblies and components to keep them running. Without fasteners and fixings, the world would become less likely to evolve in modernization. They are the unsung heroes and backbone of almost every product and machinery we utilize for everyday use. But what do these devices contribute in play to our daily routines and affairs? How did they become the valuable components of machinery and structures? Let us unearth the answers throughout the article.

Defining the Difference: Fasteners Vs. Fixings

Hardware devices are easily confused from one another with some few similarities in features or characteristics. But with the case of fasteners and fixings, both devices have their complexity and contrasting characteristics yet sometimes they can be the same thing.

In theory, they have very similar functions to secure and connect parts. Fasteners such as screws are used to fasten objects together for a secure connection while fixings hold and secure items in place like in walls or the floor. What makes this contradicting is that a standard screw can perform the same functionality, for that reason, it can be considered as both a fixing and a fastener. 

What Fastener and Fixing Should You Choose?

Beyond the diverse range of components and hardware accessories, it is also paramount to consider the factors that can contribute to their success in applications. Whether they are used in electrical devices or structures and machinery, fasteners and fixings should be durable, corrosion-resistant, and reliable in assembly. When these devices are compromised in quality they also fall into several risks and trouble in the project.

Structural integrity is one of the primary factors that contribute to high-performing fasteners and fixings. If a fastening component fails to have such properties, it can break or damage the materials they are attached to. Without corrosion resistance, hardware devices will succumb to several forms of degradation such as rusting on metal fasteners. 

These unlikely events can be prevented with the right materials on fasteners. Stainless steel can offer high resistance to corrosion and titanium is renowned for its strength and durability. Most materials can suit the common applications in construction, machinery, and mechanical assembly, while more critical industries of automotive, chemical plants, and aerospace, require a more intricate specification on fastener materials.

Here are some examples of fastener types that are proven to deliver reliable and efficient connections in numerous fastening:

  • Винты

A traditional and most common type of fastener is the screw, they are widely employed in multiple industrial applications. Screws consist of a head, threads, and a drill point in a variety of shapes, sizes, and forms.

Common types of screws:

  • Flathead screw: A flat-headed screw have a countersunk head that ensures a smooth and fit finish on the surface of the application.
  • Hex head screw: Hex or hexagon head screws are popularly used in automotive and construction due to their easy-to-install quality.
  • Socket head screw: This type of screw offers a strong hold and connection of objects which achieves a flush fit within the surface.
  • Шурупы по дереву: Typically used in woodworking, wood screws are efficient in penetrating wood materials due to their sharp points and cutting threads.
  • Machine screws: Common household appliances and electrical devices are optimized by machine screws to keep them functioning successfully.

  • Гайки и болты

Nuts and bolts are inseparable matches in fastening that work together in a strengthened and more durable assembly. Nuts are different shapes of fasteners that have a hexagonal form and inside threading that will match the threads of bolts. Bolts and screws can be confused with one another but the main difference between them is that bolts have a blunt tip and fine threads.

Here are some common examples of nuts and bolts:

  • Hex nut: The standard type of nut with a hexagonal design which is perfect for gripping and installation in a wide range of applications.
  • Cage nut: A square-shaped nut usually made from steel material and is perfect for hard-to-reach assemblies.
  • Hex bolts: The hexagonal head of hex bolts is a standard and common type that offers ease of installation process in fastening.
  • Заклепки

A more reliable fastening that provides permanent connections is a fastener called rivets. This fastener involves a push-in method that is simple to use in installation.

Here are some types of rivets:

  • Push-in rivet: This is a common type of rivet that is used in blind connections that pull the head into the rivet body.
  • Countersunk push-in rivet: This rivet is installed by hand providing a flush finish when embedded in the surface.
  • Snap rivet: This rivet consists of a head that will be pushed into a hole and will lock itself when the grommet expands beneath.

Many factors can contribute to the selection of the right fasteners and fixings, so before you dive into considerations, be sure to consult with professionals regarding your project requirements and demands. The success of your assembly will rely on the suitability of materials with one another in the assembly.

Get Fastening Assistance from the Experts

Looking for a reliable manufacturer and supplier of high-quality fasteners and fixings? Visit the leading company Принц Fastener Manufacturing Co., Ltd. for a diverse range of screws, bolts, nuts, studs, and rivets that meet the multiple demands of standard and non-standard fastening.


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Компания Prince Fastener создана для создания качественных винтов по конкурентоспособным ценам, а также предлагает техническую поддержку и эксклюзивные услуги для вашего бизнеса.

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