Figure 3. Furniture industry

Fastening with the Furniture Industry: Screws and Fasteners for Efficiency

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Fastening with the Furniture Industry: Screws and Fasteners for Efficiency

Prince fastener furniture screwFurniture and other decorative spaces in every household require the functional help of fasteners to enable their operations to provide our homes with comfortable solutions. Often enough, the small devices go unnoticed due to the aesthetic features that largely comprise the entirety of furniture, yet their indisputable role should be acknowledged as technological advancement continues to widen its variety in design, features, and properties.

Fasteners used for furniture making have several classifications according to the required functionality, yet their main purpose remains to be simple as holding materials and parts together. These components fall into three categories in the furniture industry: internal, mechanical, and direct fastening. Internal refers to the installation or covering within materials to provide a seamless finish to furniture. Connector devices that are used for tightening or adjustments in cabinets are referred to the mechanical, while direct fastening is the application of screws or nails through one piece and another to form secure connections.

What Fasteners Are Used for Furniture Making?

Innovation continuously improves the scale of improvements within the fastener industry, thus today, there are numerous types of fasteners emerging to provide the necessary features of intricate demands in fastening. Some of the common types of fasteners which are largely involved in woodworking and furniture-making are nails, screws, hinges, bolts, nuts, washers, and more.

Why its Important to Use the Right Screws?

Using standard fasteners is likely to fulfill the needed connection and holding of parts for most furniture applications. Still, without a proper understanding of their features and properties, they can easily submit to corrosion and failure during use. This is why knowing the significance of materials, strength, size, and overall capability of a fastener is necessary for a successful fastening.

Fastener sizes can vary according to the range of thickness of material application when using a longer screw in wood it can protrude and split the surface compromising it and leaving an unpleasant sight while shorter sizes can also limit the stability of the connection. The strength can is another important factor as some fasteners are required to withstand load and forces during installation and use, when screws or bolts are not strong enough they can break and possibly get stuck in the hole making it unusable. Several aspects result in unwanted failure and damage of materials and fasteners hence, selecting the right fastener or screws for a project can impact the success and reliability of their application whether it may be in the furniture industry, automotive, or infrastructure. 

How to Select Fasteners for Your Projects?

Depending on the demands of application and environmental conditions, fasteners thrive more when selected best for such factors. However, there are more elements of consideration in finding the right fastener for a certain project. For example, furniture and woodworking usually require sharp point tips to penetrate wood materials easily. Kinds of steel, brass, bronze, and aluminum fasteners are often preferred for their durable and corrosion-resistant quality. Another application enhances fastener aesthetics with coatings that generally improve the appearance while adding a further layer of protection to their surface. To identify the right solutions and fastener type for your project application, you can seek professional opinions from reputable suppliers and experts in the field.

Need Help from Fastener Experts?

When needing to figure out the right solution for your next fastening project, the expert fastener supplier – Prince Fastener Manufacturing Co., Ltd. can help you with the accurate design and features that will suit your applications. The company has been delivering successful components for various industries such as furniture making, automotive, construction, and more for over 30 years. We provide expert technical support and custom manufacturing of fasteners for any kind of use like heavy-duty, intricate assemblies, anti-tampering connections, and more. Contact us with your inquiries and needs.

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